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My name is unimportant, though to those who search for the trivial, I am Trevor Blackross, child of the dark. I would just like to point out right now that I DO NOT WASTE MY TIME ON POSERS OR POP METAL BULLSHIT!!!! IF YOU LIKE FALSE METAL ROCK CHRISTIAN CRAP LIKE FLEETWOOD MAC OR BLACK SABBATH THEN YOU ARE A SHEEP AND I DON'T WANT ANYTHING TO DO WITH YOUR FEEBLE MINDED CRAP!!!!!! Some of the bands I enjoy include The Darkness Burning In My Infinite Rectum, Total Complete Annihilation of My Anus, Ethernal Mortalis Defias Latinus Grammaticus, and other bands with deep-dark-meaningful titles.
My favourite thing to do of course is listen to the true music of Satan, black metal, and NOTHING ELSE! ALL OTHER MUSIC IS FOR POSERS! I like to shroud myself in solitude, and advance my mind to heights that only the Dark Lords can reach. I do NOT HAVE HEROES BECAUSE I AM NOT A SHEEP!!!!! But my influences are Anton LeVay, Allistor Crowley, Euronymus (HE'S FROM MAYHEM FOR ALL YOU POSERS!), and Ishan.
Swear to the eternal darkness kill all Christians and posers!! STAY DARK STAY TRUE!
PS: My mother is calling me now. She has cooked me a fresh batch of cookies served with milk. I shall return. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA.
- Trevor Blackcross
Now playing: Generica Infinitus Darknessuss by The Burning Fires of Unholy Flatulence
PS: I should write a diary and fill it daily with lolz. OH NO WAIT THIS IS IT!
Epic lulz is epic.