Tuesday, 24 February 2009


In the end my success is not weighed solely on a piece of paper or a slew of commendations from college professors. I do not have to think, act in accordance with, or pretend to agree with some intellectual from the old world in order to feel proud of myself. I used to know that. I used to live for the sake of living. I used to feel like it was my rebellion and resistance from norms and expectations that helped define me. I was smart on my own terms. I taught myself how to think and believe in the causes of my choosing. I didn't need credentials.

I digressed somewhere along the way and became caught up with my grades and who or what I'd become after school. I strayed from the path for the safe route that would lead me to a prestigious career path. I fell into the trap that was society's rules and standards. Apparently this is called maturity, but I'm beginning to refer to it plainly as a tragedy.

What matters is how I separate myself from the cattle. Because we are all irrelevant. None of us are born special. Our money and rank-in-file does not define the quality of our character or the merit of our purpose. There needs to be more behind the name and title that we spend so many years of our life working for. Whether or not I please my teachers or graduate from school at twenty five or had done it at twenty two just like everyone else doesn't matter anymore. I don't have any regrets. I became who I am today because of the choices I made.

I've lived a great life. I am a real person. I can see clearly. You can't achieve that in a class room.


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