Saturday, 14 February 2009

Have it so good!

Yes, today is the day that we all gather together and weep because we are so lonely and have no one to hold onto. Fags. It feels like now more than ever I have celebrated Valentines Day by appreciating the things in life that I cherish most dear to me.

1) Thrash metal. Yes, this haul is undisputed as my grandest achievement in the realm of record collection. And for a total of 40 bucks all together?! How could I go wrong!?

2) My hair. Allow me some time to gather some self-serving hubris. Although I might look like a 17 year old serial killer, it has done wonders for me in my attempts to woe the woman sex. Too bad I spend my life playing guitar and video games, otherwise I would surely be having sex right now and not writing a blog!

3. MOSHING! Yes, the 90s thrash/hardcore anthem by Crucial Unit, "Baby I Don't Want to Make Out I Just Want to Circle Pit!" has become the anthem of my entire life. And just this past Thursday, for a pre-Valentine celebration, I did MOSH! Look! That guy is running away from me. He probably cried today when he woke up to find he had no one to suck his dick.

I think someone wrote me a Valentines Day card. I'm not sure. I haven't opened it yet, but I wish they would've sent me something practical like socks instead. Wasn't I supposed to go to New York today? Yes. Perhaps my quest to find the Ninja Turtles will be resolved another time. Until then - David grows anxious, and I need to eat some raw fish. I'm pretty sure that the picture layout in the composition preview looks 10x better than it will on my actual blog. Too tired to care. Haven't showered or slept in a day. Gross.

Now playing: EYEHATEGOD - Hit a Girl

(Post edit)

PS: It appears Valentines Day went off spectacularly. Somehow, despite a liter of Vodka, (and standing up my date to get sushi.) I am still alive and well. I just ran over some hooker in Grand Theft Auto. I tried to shoot her in the face afterward but a cop snuck up on me. I have eight pills of vicodin left - and I have not listened to this TOOL album since I was fourteen. What the fuck?

PPS: The dishes still aren't done. Noted.

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