Friday, 20 February 2009

Out of my fucking mind.

I can't remember when I made this two part video sequence, but it must be an '07 masterpiece, because I clearly state that I had just bought my car and I can tell that this was taken in the house I lived in shortly after my parents moved out, which of course I moved out of in '08. Considering the year and my lifestyle at the time - I sincerely doubt I didn't have some extreme amount of VAULT in my system. Regardless, it's downright fucking hilarious and I hope you enjoy it at the expense of my reputation as a sane human being...



Now playing - Dazed & Confused (Yes. Again.)

PS: Why the fuck am I awake at 5 in the morning?
PPS: I think running around like a nine year old in snow and frozen rain for two hours has raped my health.

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